Being fired from CheapChannel is a badge of honor. It's hard to feel bad about not making the cut at Dunder Mifflin. Besides, that was never about performance. This latest one is a reminder that media exist primarily to make money and anything that could interfere with that will be thrown out. You were insufficiently deferential to the unaccountable university and its unaccountable highest-paid professor. A shame, but not your shame.

I understand the addiction to radio -- I will always love that medium first and foremost. If my travels -- fired twice, like you -- mean anything to you, take from it the knowledge that it will always be all right and will work out in the end. The progression may not be linear, but you'll get where you need to be even if it's not exactly where you planned to end up.

Here's to your next chapter!

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Wise words as always, my friend. Thank you. Hope to see you soon.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Brent Axe

Still listening to Brent on the porch,can't believe Boeheim can live with himself by taking someone's job for his lack of coaching

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Kev, good to see you! Appreciate the support as always. Hope all is well. my friend.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Brent Axe

I was one of those guys in the produce isle at Wegmans. Truly appreciated what you did every day. Big void now.

Good luck Brent. See you over by the tomatoes !!!!! Lol

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Gary! LOL. See you there soon. They're so good this time of year!

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Brent Axe

I always enjoyed your takes on both local and national sports stories. I think everyone that listened felt you were done wrong over at ESPN. Basically fired for not parroting the owners thoughts. In alot of occupations a hard learned lesson is that ultimately you must take care of yourself. I along with many others will subscribe and listen to you in whatever medium you use going forward. Best of luck and I look forward to following along.

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Scott, that's so kind of you to say and your words are wise. You do really have to look out for number 1 at the same time as trying to be a good teammate. I tell my students this all the time. Have a backup plan. Stay tuned on new adventures soon!

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Brent Axe

Always enjoy hearing what the Axe man has to say after every Syracuse cardiac event we fans face on the regular. It’s always a good home town feeling hearing one of the OG road rats fill us in on the ins and outs of Syracuse sports and everything else in that arena. Keep them coming Brent! I’ll subscribe to any platform! Even a podcast?

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Look at this! My guy, Mike. Appreciate it, brother. As for a podcast? *eyes emoji* Stay tuned, buddy. Love to you and the family. #RoadRatsForever

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Brent Axe

I felt the same way for a long time after changing venues from radio to a private sector job many years ago. When the new job packed up the big top and left town, I was again left looking for something new. My son was starting high school at the time and his teen years helped me find purpose again. I feel anyone who survives this modern tragedy, deserves a medal. Best foot foward Brent!

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Thank you, John. You know what it's like and the light you found on the other side even when it seems to be the darkest. Good to hear from you. Thanks for reading.

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Jul 10, 2023Liked by Brent Axe

Brent, I hope that was therapeutic in some ways for you. Getting fired from a high profile position doesn’t define you. How you handle life’s adversity is what defines you. I got furloughed during the pandemic and I spent 3 months not knowing if I had a job to come back to. It took a mental toll, of how I was going to provide for my family, but the time I got to spend with my daughter will always be one of my lives highlights. I was fortunate and bright back after 3 months, but it will always be a life reset for priorities for me. All the best!

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Thanks so much, PB. It certainly was therapeutic. That's great advice from you. I think sometimes it takes life scaring the shit out of you to find what's best. What a weird way to get there, but it's effective! Love the George Bell reference! I was a little too young to remember watching him in Syracuse, but have heard stories.

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Holy moly! I feel seen. That’s such a great and cathartic read. As a fellow JPZer, I support you. As someone who was let go for nothing, I relate with you. Keep using your time wisely. The juice will always chase you. There are other outlets where your voice will be valuable.

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Ed Levine, "The Great One" as DB called him, now known for firing the most knowledgeable sports radio host at ESPN Syracuse. Integrity lost, while Brent certainly kept his.

Best of luck, Axeman! Whatever happens, I'll be listening.

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And Ed Laverne should know what it is being a broadcaster he was once Howard stern boss look where that got him

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